Sunday, 29 March 2009

Work meal and a relaxed Saturday

On Friday, there was the monthly staff meal. We went for an Indian, which I have only just started to like, but I have to say that it was delicious.

Here are some people I work with. I hope they don't mind me plastering their faces all over the internet:

My new Zealander friend Tracy:

After that, Tracy and I went back to Itaewon, where Simon met us. It was free drinks for girls again and it actually turned into a bit of a wild night out with a brief stop at a place on Homo Hill (which is next to Hooker Hill) and culminated in McDonalds at 5-something am and a lot of confusion on my part as to how I ended up with an egg Mcmuffin and no cheeseburger (and a hash brown instead of chips). In my defence, everyone goes out really late here (Simon didn't show up til 1am) and I didn't realise it had got so late that we'd swung round to the breakfast menu. It was fun anyway. Sorry to anyone who may have got texts from me. I'm a happy drunk. No photos, thankfully!

I felt bad the next day, although Simon felt even worse thanks to the soju he'd been drinking before he met us, but I got over it quickly enough. We wandered down to the second-hand place near us and had a look for a fridge and a chest of drawers. The owner was nice and gave us weird little vitamin drinks to have while we walked around the shop. We settled on a little fridge freezer and a small chest of drawers and arranged delivery for Sunday midday.

When that was all sorted, we headed back to Hongdae, the cool uni area, where we met up with Kyra. She's Rosy's friend who Simon met last time he was in Seoul and she's really cool. It's a very arty and creative area and I'm probably going to end up with several pairs of hand painted Converse, as there's a cool market with loads of exciting stuff. We went for 1000 Won-a-plate sushi which was delicious and perked us both right up.

I think we had seventeen plates between three of us:

Then we tried to go to a Wii place, where you rent a room with a Wii in it but they were busy and the wait was to long, so we ended up in an incredibly chilled-out hookah (hookAH) bar:

This place wouldn't work in England as you can imagine drunk people heading there after a club night or something and falling in the water. It was quite dark and a couple of times I thought I was going to fall in. We had some drinks. Simon had an apple tea but I was recovered enough to have a beer. And then we got a hookah. It was apple flavoured tobacco and really nice. I'd never been to a hookah bar before, so this was a new experience for me but a very cool one.

We went back to Itaewon after that for a someone's birthday and had a much less wild night out but a nice one all the same. On Sunday, our stuff arrived and we had a relaxed movie day. Oh and I finally managed to ring my parents and had a nice chat with my mum. This week, I'll we'll both get our ARC cards and so we'll finally be able to get phones and the internet at home. Oh and I'll start learning Korean - hooray!


  1. Looks like you're having a really great time over there. I spoke to some guy on Flickr the other day who's teaching in Korea. He gets 4 months paid holiday a year! You're at the wrong school I think.

  2. He'll have a university job, which I wouldn't be able to get as I don't have the experience.

  3. Who needs experience to get a Uni job? ;-)

    Anyway yes, it does look like you're having a great time. I'm enjoying your adventures! You big happy drunk you.


  4. I was wrong, he gets 5 months payed holiday! I'd fake my CV or steal someones identity for those kind of perks.



Hi! This is my blog for our year long trip to Korea. Yes, I might have set it up to rival Simon's 'Simon and Hannah go to Korea' blog but I will actually post here.


Anyway, hello and I hope you enjoy it!